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What do High School Coaches Love Most About Their Sport?

Writer's picture: Gold AthleticsGold Athletics

When we asked our coaches "What do you love most about your sport?" we got a range of different responses.

As a coach, you play an incredibly valuable role in the lives of your athletes. You support them both on and off the field, helping them to achieve their goals while giving advice that will shape who they become as young adults. From witnessing success stories to pushing team members beyond their limits - it's no wonder why coaches are such passionate advocates for their sport. So what do they love most about it? In this blog post, we'll explore some of the top things that get coaches excited about coaching and help explain why this job is so rewarding for those involved in it. Keep reading to find out more!


“Whitmer Soccer has always been a special Program with a close-knit group. Building and growing the Program has been the most rewarding, more than any of the trophies or championships.”

- Bartley Lydy, Whitmer Boys Soccer


“Competition. I love that every player is striving for the same thing. I am always working to be a better Coach, mentor and father than the day before.”

- Eain Bain, Franklin Football


“I love that the game of football simulates life. It's not always going to be easy but if you can find a way, it will be worth it!”

- Bryce Guilbeault, Old Rochester Football


“The best part of football is uniting a group of individuals from different backgrounds into a united team.”

- Steve Dembowski, Milton Football


“I think the thing I love most or enjoy the most is seeing my players develop over the course of their high school careers. They start as a bunch of individuals which begin to trust each other over time and become a true family that supports one another.”

- Garrett Kendziera, West Springfield Baseball


“I love that lacrosse brings together some of the best qualities of all our favorite sports. It has the speed of basketball, the physicality of hockey and the finesse of soccer. It allows players to be creative individually while at the same time dependent on your team's chemistry and skill.”

- John Jardin, Plymouth South Lacrosse


“I love building relationships that don't just last through the length of the season, but all four years and into adulthood. Our players get excited to connect with me and each other at school, in class, and in the halls. Preparing them for their career is a big part of it, too.

I am a big fan of baseball, and a player myself, but softball has a lot more that goes into it, coaching-wise. Decision making is much quicker so you can get more creative with drills. I love coaching, the first thing I tell my team is I love coaching them. I invest in them not just as players, but as people. Coaches and educators are in the business of helping others; helping them build character so they can succeed in life after softball.”

- Nick DeLizio, North Branford Softball


“What I love most about basketball is the bonds you build when a group of athletes come together to achieve a common goal. Some of my best friends to this day are friends that I met early on in my youth through playing basketball. Now as a coach, making those connections and bonding over how beautiful the game is still one of my favorite aspects of the game.”

- Richard Perez, Holyoke Wolf Pack Youth Athletics


“The thing I love most about track & field is the fact that it is considered an individual sport, but at Cedar Crest High School, it’s all about the TEAM. We emphasize to our 110+ student-athletes that it is more important to be the best player for the team, rather than the best player on the team.”

- Rob Bare, Cedar Crest Track


“Coaching baseball gives me a chance to give back to a sport that gave so much to me. My father introduced it to me at a young age, around 4 or 5 years old. Also, spending time with the players since I started Coaching at SPCHS in 2016 has been great.”

- Victor Rinaldi, Saint Paul Catholic Baseball


These responses are excerpts from #GAFeatureFriday Social Media series. Stay tuned for more content like this! Follow us @GoldAthletics on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn!


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